Monday, May 21, 2012

Molly Babies & Snail Faces

I bought a couple Mollies from Walmart. One has babies now.  For some reason one of the babies really loves sitting on a snail. It's always there either on a snail or waiting for one to come by and sit.

Snail faces:

Thursday, May 17, 2012

3 Gallon Tank

A couple pictures of my tank. I bought a Pleco at Walmart. It's too big for the tank, but I'm planning on getting a pool outside set up and it'll get moved out there. I also bought 2 Gold Mystery Snails at Petsmart. I've had them years ago and really enjoyed them. They are fun to watch and it's amazing how fast they zoom across the tank.

Monday, May 14, 2012

The fish that started it all!

It rained for 3 days. Bad for us since there is a hole in the roof, but a great time to toss a crawfish trap in the drainage ditch. I caught 2 common minnows, 4 perch, a crawfish, and a mysterious minnow with tiger stripes. After a lot of searching on the internet, I identified minnow as a Sheepshead Minnow. I'll try to get better pictures of it later. Anyway, I ended getting a 3 gallon tank for my computer table and put my 'ditch fish' in it. The sheepshead minnow is my favorite. It's such a quirky little thing. It comes to my hand and nibbles on my fingers and lets me pet it. I have no idea id it's a male or female. It's the first one I've ever seen/caught.